We took the metro to the train station, then a train to the city of Vernon. We stumbled out of the train station and smiled at a sort of grumpy set of men and rented bicycles. We took off with our map and rode the 5km to the city of Giverny; to Monet's water lilies, to Monet's gardens. To the greatest day of our adventure.
I added the rest of the photos after the page break, since well there are a few. Click "The rest of the story"!
We arrived just as it was opening and I don't think we realized how lucky we were to be there as it opened until we left, and the lines were hours long. Well done for not missing the morning train!
I added the rest of the photos after the page break, since well there are a few. Click "The rest of the story"!
We arrived just as it was opening and I don't think we realized how lucky we were to be there as it opened until we left, and the lines were hours long. Well done for not missing the morning train!
The moment we walked into the gardens I didn't stop my shutter on my camera. There are few words to express how amazing it was. To be there, to see what he painted, what his friends painted, to see the light reflect off the pond and the frogs jumping from lily pad to the next. To smell the flowers, to see his studio and the view from his bedroom window. It was incredible. To experience that with my mom and sister, it was perfect.
A little artsy shot for the king of flower artsy shots, Elder Tolbert.
Not a bad view from your bedroom right?

After wandering the gardens, taken back by the smells and the colors popping everywhere we went across the street to the water lilies. The Water Lilies. Remember how my mom painted her version of one of Monet's versions and it hangs in my front room? I have a deep love for the water lilies. I have a deep love for all of in fact. It stirs my soul in ways I can't explain, it sends chills down my spine and time slips away from me. I get lost in the impressionists. I got lost at the lily pond.
The weather was dreamy, the sun was there and the wind was calm. It never rained and those light jackets were perfect.
Leap Frogs!
Oh you know, just the bridge.

Seriously with the clouds? Am-azing.
Then guys.
We went to the official museum and it was, ya know, not the gardens or the water lilies. But as we were leaving we stumbled upon this:
The Poppy Fields.
The freakin' Poppy Fields. What's better than water lilies? Poppies.

They had sets of water colors and paper lined up to paint those poppies. So we painted. With sticks.
There we were, in Monet's backyard, with the poppies in bloom, PAINTING.
After my shutter finger had worn out, we got on our bicycles and rode back to the train station. So, OK, we had to stop for a snack before actually getting on the train. Snacking on a crepe before getting on a train is the only way to travel. And for some reason, Deb thinks we can just share crepes? Micall and I don't share crepes, unless you have one as well. Then we can trade.
It was a beautiful day. the best.
love love
A little artsy shot for the king of flower artsy shots, Elder Tolbert.
Not a bad view from your bedroom right?

After wandering the gardens, taken back by the smells and the colors popping everywhere we went across the street to the water lilies. The Water Lilies. Remember how my mom painted her version of one of Monet's versions and it hangs in my front room? I have a deep love for the water lilies. I have a deep love for all of in fact. It stirs my soul in ways I can't explain, it sends chills down my spine and time slips away from me. I get lost in the impressionists. I got lost at the lily pond.
Leap Frogs!
Seriously with the clouds? Am-azing.
To see the lilies bloom as the sun peeked out of the clouds, to see the reflection change and frogs hopping. To hear the frogs. Incredible. All of it.
thanks Micall for humoring us, ok me, as we slowly wandered around. letting me take it all in. you're a peach.
Then guys.
We went to the official museum and it was, ya know, not the gardens or the water lilies. But as we were leaving we stumbled upon this:
The Poppy Fields.
The freakin' Poppy Fields. What's better than water lilies? Poppies.
They had sets of water colors and paper lined up to paint those poppies. So we painted. With sticks.
There we were, in Monet's backyard, with the poppies in bloom, PAINTING.
I might have gotten a little teary eyed standing in those poppies.
After my shutter finger had worn out, we got on our bicycles and rode back to the train station. So, OK, we had to stop for a snack before actually getting on the train. Snacking on a crepe before getting on a train is the only way to travel. And for some reason, Deb thinks we can just share crepes? Micall and I don't share crepes, unless you have one as well. Then we can trade.
It was a beautiful day. the best.
love love
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