Our year was a great year, a different year, a growing year, a baby year. I look back from this year to last and amazed at all the ways we grew. Ruby talks. Stella loves more. My belly grew and so did Kevin's heart. I once used to say that his heart was dead inside for his inability to cry. I partially poke fun at it but also worry that one day it will crumble. But alas, two little girls curling up into his lap and cheering is name, along with his newborn son joining the world has softened it right up. Strange how small children turn grown men into bubbling idiots.
Someone asked my mother if I was as happy as social media makes us out to be, and the truth to that is Yes. We really are so happy. Our life isn't nearly as pretty as the pictures I take; it is chaotic, noisy, and Ruby wears her pajamas most of the day. But we are enjoying every moment we get. Truly enjoying them all. I have no idea what this next year will bring, hopefully more dance parties and Chinese food. Whatever it is I am really excited about it, really excited to spend my days with these little people that are exactly what I deserve and that tall friend of mine. Cheers to 2013!
love love
wanna see years past? 2010 and 2011
Love this post. Love your blog. Thanks for sharing!