Thursday, July 10, 2008

Month Eight

Dear June,

I was thinking about what to write today, because you are 8 months old today June. 8 months. It goes by so fast, I can’t believe it. I was reading month 7 and was thinking, “nothing has changed developmentally, you haven’t done anything different, what am I supposed to write about?” But Stella, I think we are developing a pattern, just when I get to wondering about things like that, I turn around and you are practically screaming at me, “I WILL GET THERE WHEN I’M READY, LEAVE ME ALONE!” Like last week I was just a little tiny bit jealous that your second cousin, Kaylan, had started to crawl. She is a month younger than you and you were having no interest in such a thing. Well I came in from the kitchen only to find you had pulled your self from the middle of the rug over to the chair and were standing trying to get the ball. It was like I was a hit in the face with a bat that said, MOM I AM JUST FINE. You still aren’t crawling, but you’ve got grit, and I couldn’t be more proud. This standing thing has proven to provide a few bumps on the head as you topple over, but the grit keeps coming through as you quickly get over it and back to it.
Your dad and I left you for the first real time this month Stella. We went to Lake Powell, out of phone reach for 5 days. You handled it much better than I did. You didn’t miss a beat. You lived up to every expectation, and then some. I on the other hand, was missing you dreadfully. After about 12 hours I was wishing we were together. The moment we came home, the look in your eyes, well it wasn’t what I had hoped it could be. You had done just fine in the care of your grandparents. You hadn’t missed me for a moment. You have already outdone my greatest hope, every parents greatest hope: That your children are stronger, and better than you are. What’s next Stella, will you be finding a new energy source?
But Stella the greatest thing happened today, on your 8 month birthday, just when I was really starting to worry about your lack of new and exciting things to do. I picked you up from your Great Grandmas today, and well you had grown your very first TOOTH. Yep, you got it, and I didn’t even notice it. You weren’t extra fussy or angry. You didn’t want to eat anything more than usual or suck on my cheek. Grit Stella, endless amounts of grit. I couldn’t be more proud of you. You make motherhood the greatest thing. I am so looking forward to the next month and the new great things you will teach me. I love you little June Bug.
Love Love

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