Sunday, December 12, 2010

Time Management

Okay, so it is very apparent that I am struggling in the time management role; clearly since it has been nearly a month since my last pathetic blog post. I don't even have the excuse of lack of material. I mean there was a major holiday, Thanksgiving, Ruby turned 10 months old, Stella turned 37 months old, the snow fell for the first time, we got a Christmas tree, I decorated the house for Christmas, and a few hundred photos were taken. Needless to say, at the end of the day the last thing I can harness my energy for is to spend time with the girls. I'm lucky if we get a decent meal. I'm terrified at the thought that Christmas is less than 2 weeks away and I haven't even given it any sort of thought. None.
But I promised Micall that I would blog for her, (that was a week ago),  so here they all are. I apologize for overloading your blog reader.

love love

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